As many of you may have noticed, our prayer ministry schedule is changing, and as per the Holy Spirit, so is the assignment.
I have been sensing for some time now that a shift was coming that would change the way this ministry’s online prayer operates.
Let me share what is in my heart:
1. Intercessors
I have been sensing a greater need for intercessors to be led by the spirit into prayer rather than operating based on a training schedule of Monday through Friday. I feel we are entering a time of war and we have got to get really good at being nimble and intentional in seeking one another in order to go into the presence of God in prayer.
Let me explain:
The online prayer line will remain open for the members to join as they feel led, and I see them coordinating on the chat to get online and pray. I also see them coordinating prayer meetings at home and in different geographical locations by leveraging the chat functionality within the app. I see that the ministry will continue to carry on with our Praise Thursdays so that everyone can continue to be trained in the power of coming into the presence of God with thanksgiving, but I also see that a shift is coming that will contribute toward a completely different structure.
Here is an example of what this looks like:
Example on the chat:
Hey, Fam, I feel God calling me to pray today at 12 pm. Would you like to join me - Nissi Nation member.
Answer on the thread:
I don’t have time at 12 but I have time at 1:00 pm.
Ok. I can do it at 1:00 pm.
Answer on the thread:
Great. Let’s jump online at 1:00 pm.
2. God is calling us into a season of action
These shifts will propel the body of Christ into diverse mountains of influence. The intercessors will need to pay attention to the needs that arise in diverse mountains of influence and take a leading role in communicating what the Lord is saying to others in the Christian community.
Let me explain what I mean:
I sense that God is raising up an Acts 2 church movement like never before. However, before you get excited (which there is reason to be, for those of us that love the Lord and his Kingdom), let’s remember why the Acts 2 church was formed:
- Jesus Christ had just died
- There was confusion among many
- There was anger
- Civil disruptions were everywhere
- The Christians began to be persecuted.
- There was a new gospel, and they all had to understand it in order to share it.
- People were challenged economically, emotionally, physically, and more. Therefore, people started to share their possessions to survive.
I could go on, but I think you get the picture.
God is calling us into a season of ACTion. In this new season, many miracles, signs and wonders will take place while the world faces many challenges.

3. Prayer warriors will need to be attentive to the seismic shifts in order to flow with the spirit
These shifts will propel the body of Christ into diverse mountains of influence. The intercessors will need to pay attention to the needs that arise in diverse mountains of influence and take a leading role in communicating what the Lord is saying to others in the Christian community.
Let me explain what I mean:
In 2020, the Lord revealed to me that many changes were about to happen. Before COVID impacted America the Lord tasked me to communicate expectations which prepared the people to persevere through what was coming. I stepped up, shared, and was called crazy, but for those that listened, their journey felt more grounded in truth, and a sense of peace covered them.
I believe that those trained in the ministry of prayer and intercession from 2017 - 2022 will need to inquire of the Lord to determine their new actionable assignment within the governmental roles in the kingdom of God.
I believe that many of you have graduated in the spirit and have attained greater gifts, talents, and abilities which will rightfully equip you for your new roles.
By knowing who God is to you, who you are in the kingdom, and what your God- ordained role looks like, a clear kingdom authority will be released through you and will showcase the power of God on earth as it is in heaven.
I want to thank each of you for your roles, privately or publicly, which have served God and the body of Christ. You have consistently come with a vulnerable and willing heart and enabled God to do his best work in yourself and others.