Our Kingdom Culture
When we choose to abide in and recognize Jesus as King and Lord of our lives we can, by the power of the Holy Spirit, steward His presence and each other. Consequently, our thoughts, actions, and words within the context of biblical community produces Kingdom culture.
Kingdom culture is rooted in God’s heart and fueled through His Holy Spirit.
We exemplify Kingdom culture through our attitudes, behaviors, customs, and language. To “Be Tectonic” is to live life and interact with others through a biblical worldview.
Kingdom culture principles.
Kingdom Social Media
We endeavor to foster unity in the Body of Christ in places we spend most of our time, the marketplace and at home. Technology allows us to be intentional and strategic about this.
With smartphones so entrenched into the fabric of modern culture, we saw an opportunity to reach and connect the body of Christ effectively. We learned a lot through the two first app launches, and although we are not presently supporting agile development of the BeTectonic app. We intend to leverage the power of social media for good by catalyzing the Church into unity and action!
Thorough this experience we have witnessed how testimony is what spreads hope through believers and those that come in contact with them. Kingdom social media encourages the body of Christ and speaks to what is possible in and through technology as believers are imparted to impart wisdom and life experience into other's connected via safe and private social media.
Technology is a focused avenue to steward people.

Kingdom Community
Community is defined as a unified body of individuals. Acts chapter 2, verses 42-47, we find a group of people doing life together, ansering the call to obey and fulfill God's will. It was a dynamic that changed the world forever! We can learn from this and build and support Kingdom community.
Tectonic is about friendships and daiily discipleship. Our community is all about reconciliation with God that ensues safety spiritually, and emotionally. Kingdom community fosters stewardship or the joyu set before us, and where we encourage one another into faith-action and live out and share the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Life change, freedom, and deliverance happen seamlessly within the context of biblical community. Through daily fellowship we observe and experience power and faith at work.
Kingdom Economy
The Kingdom economy represents a Spirit-led worldview that shapes how we transact. At Tectonic we understand the power of agreement and speaking life. God desires to involve us in His redemptive efforts. We can choose to speak life, pray for, and sow time and resources to see his Kingdom expand and thrive.
From Glory to Glory - 2 Corinthians 3:18
Obedience to Kingdom opportunity fosters sustainable collaboration and ensues necessary transformation to our businesses, neighborhoods, city and nation through His people. In the economy of the Kingdom, we all have capital to invest, be it financial capital, intellectual capital, physical capital, relational capital, or spiritual capital.
How are you investing the capital God has given you?
As followers of Christ, Tectons, come together to pool influence, resources, and unity through prayer, collaboration and action to affect positive change in local communities and the world- at-large.